Friday, February 21, 2014

Snow, skating, and more

Wow, what a winter.  We have had a major storm almost every week.  That meant lots of days off school, and lots of playing outside.

Some winter fun.  Listen to the commentary as well as watch the video.  If it doesn't play here, try

But always time for a nice warm tub
Superbowl Sunday was fun.  We had our annual picnic in our family room, all got dressed for football, and watched the game and lots of fun food.

More snow, and back outdoors.
Noah rolled this snowball himself.  Then he couldn't push it anymore!

Sophie made Frosty.  Carrot nose, laterns on his arms.  He was great!

Anyone remember "Mr Bubbles"?  Who is this person in our bathtub with a beard??
One snowy day off school, Noah came to work with David.  He went right to work!

Some winer fun.  If the video doesn't play here, try:

Last week, we went to the Marple Sports Arena and Noah and Sophie went rollerblading.  Check out this great form!

Here's Noah.  Also can see the video at

And here's Sophie.  Also at:
After an hours of skating, there were 2 tired kids!!

When roller skating was done, they played in "Marple Mountain".  It was a fun, tiring, day with a few sore backsides!  But everyone went home happy!

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