Thursday, March 27, 2014

Purim at Temple Sholom

Purim was super fun this year.  Purim is the story of how Queen Esther saved the Jewish People from the Mean Hamen.  All the kids dress up and it's a great fun celebration with lots of cheering and noise and parties.  Sophie had 2 princess costumes this year (from Halloween).   Here's little Princess Alice.  She walked around with her white rabbit and kept saying "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late...."

At school, Sophie's class did a Purim show and Sophie dressed as Snow White.  She was  fantastic in the show!  You have to see her sing all the songs.   A star....

The King and Princess on the way to the temple and then the Purim carnival.

Sitting in Temple listening to the Purim story.

Noah sang with the Kid's Choir during the Purim story.  He great in the choir, and has a good voice, great stage presence.  Who knows...maybe a future singer!

Let the games begin!

And some face painting....

At the end of a long day, both kids were tired.  But they had their first sleep over together.  Sophie slept in Noah's "normal" bed, and Noah slept up top.  See the little opening at the front of Sophie's bed.   She managed to fall out in the middle of the night (3a) and was found with her feet around the guard rail hanging head down (David slept in the room too so immediately picked her up).  She was fine, but we have to still be careful in a big kids bed!
More fun coming soon!

Nanny's Birthday in Connecticut

It was almost March 11,  so we packed up the car on Friday night and all went to CT.   We got there late but were up early and ready to play!

This chair has seen a lot of years!  But it's perfect Sohpie-size.   Glad Nanny and Poppy saved it.

A little breakfast any one?  

Sophie was teaching Nanny how to play a game on the iPhone!

Look out Poppy.  Don't push back.  You'll squash a little kid!

The ladies, going out for lunch

Deep in conversation

Later that day we went to Avon for a birthday party.  All the girls having fun....


Strongman!  That's a lot of pounds of little kids....

We had a great weekend.  Happy Birthday Nanny.  And what a great weekend to spend with family!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

They do love each other

They do love each other.  You may not always see it, but they really do love each other.

Fun times for kids

In the warm weather, we tried to go bike riding on Sunday afternoons.  It's been a little bit of a tradition this winter to go roller blading on Sundays.  This Sunday, even mom put on skates!  Look at the girls go!

Noah really got the hang of it....

But skates or not, we couldn't pull him away too long from the video games!

Second soccer season has started, and Sophie is getting better and better.  Great form.

Anyone recognize this Mario?

How about this Mario?

Kathy was out and David took Sophie with him to Noah's Karate on Wed night.  Afterwards, we all went to the diner for dessert!

Noah had his first real home school project.  He had to pick a "notable person", and he chose to make a Diarama to describe him.  He chose John Muir who was a naturalist and responsible for Yosemite becoming a national park.  His diorama was awesome. He read all about John Muir and gave a fantastic confident presentation to his class.  There were giant redwoods, a working water mill made with legos, a lego cabin, waterfall and pond, and a meadow with animals.  

One of my favorite pictures from tubby time!

Sophie and Carter crushing Noah.

One more tub and then bed time for everyone.  see you soon!