(The formatting is all messed up on this blog and we can't figure out why. It has something to do with trying to do the blog on a Mac, but we can't fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience)
We've been busy. Here's a whirlwind of the end of summer and beginning of fall.
Noah is now going to Sunday school last week they had a special day . The day was "Dor L'dor" or "Generation to Generation". Parents were invited to come to Sunday School for a pajama party (Noah is in his pajamas) and help the kids with projects. Here Noah is making a pillow case inscribed with the word "Shalom". |
Here he is, ready to leave the house for school. He loves Friend's Central and can't wait to get out of the car when he is dropped off. Someone there helps get the kids out of the car in the drop off line and they always open Sophie's door by mistake. Noah lectures this person repeatedly; "when you see this car, you need to open the other door. That side is my baby sister". We're very sure the person who helps gets him out every day very much appreciates the repeated instructions and lectures.

We did get a chance to go to Noah's school to meet with his teachers a couple weeks ago for a parent-teacher conference. He is doing wonderful things and his teachers can't get over him. Reading fluently, starting to do math. And he is (finally) becoming a little artist. This is the first picture Noah ever drew of himself. This was hanging outside his classroom.
It was the end of summer, and Noah, Kathy and David went for a bike ride (Sophie was home with Erin). Hopefully we'll do more and more bike riding.
And before you know it, summer is over. Rosh Hashanah was here. Mommy made a great dinner on a beautiful table. Shana Tova (Happy New Year) everyone! |
As summer was winding down we spent as much time outside as we could. Noah is a good big brother and playing with Sophie. Look how much fun she is having. 
Anybody see a big little girl anywhere? Bye bye baby car seat!
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