Summer vacation continued with a great trip to western Maryland to meet the Harneys at Rocky Gap State Park and Resort. The boys--and girls-- had a blast. Lots of silly swimming!

For the girls too!

And Sophie even got to swim with Grampy!

Hi Girls.

All this swimming sure tires a girl out.

The boys had a sleep over together. Of course, thanks to Uncle Kyle who we think had to sleep on the floor!!

One day, Noah, Evan, and Josh went on a dinosaur bone hunt.

And since all the boys have birthdays so close together, we all celebrated with a special birthday dinner. Check out all 3 boys playing their individual I-phones before dinner (what has the world come to?)

Happy Birthday guys!!

Sophie got to spend some special time with her cousins too. Hey Evan...want to race??

And one last little pool video. At the beginning of the summer, Noah couldn't swim and was a little afraid to go in the water and get his face wet. Check this out...when he gets out he says "did you get that??"
Summer is winding down. All the kids are growing so fast and becoming so big. More pictures and fun updates soon!
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