Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sophie's 6th Birthday Party

Sophie turned 6!  Unbelievable.  She wanted to have a party and Chuckie Cheeze.  So we had a party at Chuckie Cheeze!

Sophie, Emmy and Kaydence

Sophie, Emmy, and Maeve

Sophie and her friends

And to see everyone singing Happy Birthday, go to:

Happy birthday Sophie.  We are so proud and excited watching you grow up.   Can't wait to see what the next year brings to this sweet, kind, "assertive", beautiful little girl!  We love you.

Holiday time is here, Some Karate and other fun, Dec 2016

Holiday time is here.  Sophie's class did a fantastic concert in school.

And the kids got up one morning, and look who was at the door??   Kyle, our Elf on the Shelf came!  We missed him!

But boy, Kyle got into everything!
  We spent lots of fun times outdoors this fall
 And went one Sunday morning to the Jewish Federation to help pack food boxes for the needy.  Onions anyone?

 The Holiday Party at Radnor Valley is always fun.  This year Charlie Wallace joined us, and the kids made Gingerbread Houses.

  And Radnor Valley is equal opportunity.  Santa was there, but also the "Mench on the Bench".  Really!
  Santa came to the Ditrolio's and Noah, Sophie and Ashley all went.

Sophie's Kindergarten class made a cookbook.  Each kid brought a favorite recipe and they put the whole cookbook together.  This was Sophie's contribution.

 Karate has been going strong.  Sophie tested for her purple belt in December 2016

 Congratulations Sophie.  That was hard work!!
Meanwhile, Noah got his diploma for his black belt. Really PROUD.

Fall 2016

We've done so much since the last post.  Let's see if we can update some things.

In Nov we went to Spenser Casnoff's Bar Mitzvah.  Everyone got dressed up for a really fun night.

Sophie was right up front for every dance!
  Sophie and her girls...

For Thanksgiving we went to Danbury.  Our hotel had a nice little pool and Ben came to swim with us.
  And it was so fun to see and play with Jordan

 And hang with Sam.
 And Uncle Peter.
 It was silly!

Strawberry daiquiris and lunch in Danbury, then on to more fun and excitement!!

Older photos

Oh boy.  Been away a really long time.  Here are some older photos from the fall.  Kids went to the Franklin Institute exhibit on Robotics.  Sophie beat the robot in Tic Tac Toe!

Noah had a great Soccer season!