Sunday, June 28, 2015

Easter and Other Fun

It's Easter Sunday and we were getting ready to go out for Brunch with Grampie and Kay

Hey, look who joined us!

The kids had a mean Easter egg hunt and Michael, Andrew,  and Elana's house. 

Meanwhile, life goes on.  Sophie is getting quite good in her gymnastics class.

And she plays a mean T ball.

Sophie has only had her hair cut a couple times.  But she still loves it.  

Our 2 ballplayers!   More summer fun coming soon.  

Work and Passover

Sophie had time off at school, and came to work with David for the day.  She was all set for a busy day

She worked hard, and did a great job.

Breakfast in the cafeteria.

Her friend Emma was there the same day.  They needed their ears checked.

 And then before we knew it, it was Passover.  We went to Danbury to have a seder.  This is just a little snack before the seder.

A mean game a checkers.  2 against 1.

OK Hollywood!

What are you thankful for?

What a beautiful table.

Silly Mike!