Sunday, September 7, 2014

Back to the boardwalk

Hello "Hollywood" 
We went to Atlantic City one day to see the Air Show.  It was super cool.  Almost as cool as these 2 dudes. (ok...3 dudes)

Or these gals.


A late day on the beach.  Everyone packing up and coming back to the house.

Meanwhile, the kids back at the house are baking a cake.
Happy Birthday Noah.  It was such a treat to have his cousins here to celebrate his birthday.

Great new sweatshirt!  Yes, that's Noah under there.
 There has been a fad going on; the Ice Bucket challenge for ALS.  The idea is to make a pledge to ALS, challenge others to do it, and get a bucket of ice water dumped on your head.   Samantha leading the way



Then out at breakfast back at Uncle Bills

The Girls
One more adventure on the boardwalk

We went to play a mean game of Haunted golf.

Then back for more ice cream

And back to the boardwalk

Kathy so much wanted to go on the haunted house ride.  David and Noah were a bit scared, but brave little Sophie was willing to go with her.

Did you see any of it??

It was Aug 14 and we needed a birthday cake.  What's better than a birthday Funnel Cake on the boardwalk??   Noah was a bit mortified that we all sang Happy Birthday right in the middle of the boardwalk.

Back to the house for a little video games.  Classic picture.  everyone on the own devise.  
 Everyone was packing up and getting ready to say goodbye.  Still more adventure at the beach, but so far, we've had such a great time.

Ocean City Week 2

Well, we missed the Harney's and Grampy and Kay.  They left Saturday so the 4 of us wandered down to the boardwalk.  Sophie and Mom went shopping.  Noah....happy as a clam sitting on a bench playing Minecraft on his iPod touch.

And Sophie went for a the arcade....

And near the house.
 And then the Borges' and Delahanty's came.  What's the first thing everyone wanted to do??  Play a game on the iPad!

Sophie immediately got Sarah's friend Riley to  color with her.

This night was the "Super Moon".  The largest (closest) the moon would be for a while...  

We had a few August Birthday's to celebrate.  Ben turned 10!  Happy birthday Ben-10

Electronics for everyone!  Hilarious.  Even Marci in the background was on her phone.

Then we went to the amusement park.  Sophie kept David safe on the Ferris Wheel!  Literally.  David was holding on for dear life and Sophie 

On the crazy house

Going for a ride.

And the Merry go round.

Time for the girls to take a break.  And for some cotton candy.

Check out the radioactive tattoos.

Breakfast with cousins is always fun

We told Noah to Go Fly A Kite.  So he did.
The girls kept everyone fed.  Here they were making cookies one night.

We had a great week at the shore!