Sunday, May 13, 2012

Passover and Easter 2012 - Belated

We have been slow keeping up with some important fun!  We had a great Passover.  Kathy made a wonderful Sedar and set a beautiful table.  And Grampy game to join us.

Happy Passover everyone.
It was time to find the Matzah.  You're both cold!

Good job finding it Noah.  Except that was for Sophie (she says thank you).  Now where's yours?
Hurray.  Found 'em both.

Good job.  Hugs!
Sophie got a great new doll for finding her Matzah.  Time for snack!

And then Sophie and Grampie were playing with Noah's Go Go's.  Grampy would put them back in the bowl and Sophie would dump them out.  She thought this was very funny!
Then next, as soon as Passover was over, it was Easter!  We had our second annual Easter Egg Hunt Easter morning in our backyard.  We have new neighbors who joined us.  In addition to Noah and Sophie, Joseph, Gianna, Kyra, Molly and Julianna all came.
Everyone ready???
Go Soph!

Now that's the way!

Noah was out in front and filling up his bucket fast.

There's lots more eggs everyone.

Wow.  Look at all the eggs.  and they all have something fun inside.
Our little bunny.
Sophie loved having her friends over too.

And after all that there were still more treats.  The Easter Bunny left great Easter baskets for both kids.
We had a fun holiday weekend.  Stay tuned for more fun coming soon!

Monday, May 7, 2012

More Vacation Fun

Noah is an addict!  He was playing his DS video game, and we asked to go to the closet to get something out of the safe.  He didn't return.  We found him kneeling in the closet playing video games!
Look at all the cool fish...
Sophie Faces....
Hi cutie....

This was sort of a beach.  There was a little inlet with sand.  There wasn't much to do, and the weather was a little cold, so there was a lot of hugging going on.

Noah and Kathy were getting ready for the River Rapids. This was a  really fun ride with rapids and waves that could easily knock you off your tube.  Hold on tight!
You can just see Kathy and Noah in the tube to the right, turning the corner  in a slow part of the river.

Meanwhile, we passed the time doing what else?  Having a snack!  Sophie didn't eat great at meals, but loves her snacks.  Especially chocolate chip cookies.  She,is a little cookie monster!
Hi Handsome!  How was the River Rapids?

The day before we left, Noah got a second tattoo.  His first one had already come off in the water.  This was supposed to be the moon and stars, but it didn't come out great.  Oh well.

What do you think?

To you too!
Just a day at the pool.  Noah is finishing a snack, and Sophie decided to take a little snoozer in the background!

Don't back up!

Sophie was balancing a rock on Noah's head
Noah discovered a "NFF" (new favorite food); a chocolate milkshake!
Sophie remained our little dancing queen.  Here at the restaurant she was dancing to the music and all the waitresses came over to watch and clap.  Instant entertainment!

All right...enough dancing.   Where's my food??  She just climbed right up on the table to get to the french fries.
Back to our video game addict.  We were out for a nice walk by the marina.  Where' did Noah go?  Had to stop for a fix of his DS game.

Then we went for a stroll through the main hotel building.  Another stop for another fix of his video game!

We figured that was better than being addicted to the slot machines though!

Anyone have any quarters?!

Sophie loved the fish and aquariums.  When she saw them she would run over the glass and start yelling with excitement.  See if you can see and hear in this video.
Despite Sophie looking so serious she had a great time!  As did we all. Our trip was winding down, but one thing was for sure...spending time with these two little kids is a joy.   (Usually!!)
More from home....for now, thanks for the great vacation!